To be honest I'm not interested in any alliance. That would imply that I care about a community. There is no community to care for, just a bunch of delusional people who think 10 people = community.
What should they call it? Fags anonymous? Kinda suits the amount of fakery going on.
So exile wants no communative aspect. We stand alone, We don't play the sh sh sh sheep counting song in our heads, we don't turn on the ra ra radio and end up listening to ga ga ga ga lady gaga. we don't need the approval of any clan here to exist. If anything they need us more than we need them. I've seen 38 different people playing minsta 1on1 / dm in the last few weeks. now isn't a good time to al ali alienate anyone, then again I couldn't care less if those two modes die it'll teach everyone for fu fu fu fucking with the wrong people.
So sit back, relax, leave everyone else contribute to nexuiz minsta's death. We'll just stay out of the communative aspect and take no part in the corruption that has seen the numbers decline into the lowest numbers since 2006.
and really, If I was a newbie and all I saw was "I R IN TEH COMMUNITIEZ I R BETTER THAN YUU!"
People wonder why this game is dying ^^ haha.